New Feature discussion: Nation Control

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New Feature discussion: Nation Control

Postby Captain Jack » Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:54 pm

Greetings everyone,

Since we now got the titles done, next step at nation level is Nation Control. We have no specific plans about it right now so we could all contribute our ideas on how we would like nation control to take place in Pirates Glory.

We will gather the best points and ideas and then try to create a starting point for this feature.

Here are some early ideas:
-The nation control system must be built on titles whereas individuals will get some control over the nation based on their rank.
-Nations should have central treasury which will come with tax collection as well as ways to spend this gold.
-Nations should summon NPC fleets for example, in order to protect a citizen of the nation receiving a surprise attack from someone (pirates perhaps?) Of course, this should cost gold from the nation treasury AND protection should be relevant to player title.
-Foot battle feature should be one of the options that nation control feature should come with. Nations should be able to maintain professional armies perhaps, consisted of soldiers. A player should also have access to about 3 infantry types maximum while nations should have access to more elite units with additional functionality.
-Immigrate/Deport functionality perhaps or even better ability to reject citizenship for specific players, the number of which will be decided by a technology + upgrade building.

This is just a short bunch, I am mostly interested in your ideas. ;)

Remember, this is a very early discussion. We got other features to implement first but till we do this, we should design ahead.
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Re: New Feature discussion: Nation Control

Postby Black sparrow » Thu Apr 11, 2013 7:04 am

I have some ideas that can be added in the feature extension. I will only limit them to influence management for now.

Right now, we can increase influence with two ways and we can lose influence in three ways.
I say that it is time to add more ways to add/remove influence and also make infouence manageable between nations. Some limits could apply as you think it would be better.

Here are the actions you could add to make this happen:
1)Allow nations to send influence to another country. Three limit are needed here perhaps: 1)Only to same port 2)No more 10% of the nation's influence in the port per day 3)No more than 10% of the other nation's influence in port per day. This could be used also by a player to player and it could be useful to seal pacts etc.

2)Allow players to drop another a nation's influence with fleets. Perhaps utilizing the blockade option (also discussed elsewhere). Influence should drop per hour that the blockade is active. Blockade could target only a nation as this is how it would make sense.

More ideas could be added here. I just wrote the ones topping my mind at this time.
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Re: New Feature discussion: Nation Control

Postby Adama » Fri Apr 12, 2013 10:17 pm

Every governer should control his ports army and a voodoo card to increase the army would be cool also about land battles would if one port could invade another and then the influence in that port was reset giving the winning port 1000 influence
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Re: New Feature discussion: Nation Control

Postby Captain dungeness » Fri Apr 26, 2013 1:41 am

I really hope the footbattle features are not coming soon. That sounds very different from the entire rest of the game and sounds like it will take a very long time to implement. However I do like the idea of Kingship meaning something.

As you can see from one of Zombie's topics it is only possible to remove someone from your nation by telling them strongly to leave and backing it up with voodoo. I think if you are king you should have at least some control of who is in your nation. Otherwise someone could join your nation and benefit from the perks even if they are your sworn enemy. So Kings should be able to raise another player's hostility with their nation if they so desire. If the king raise it past 100 then that player becomes a pirate. It should take the King some turns to raise it: like 4 turns for 1 hostility. That way a King couldn't kick out every single player instantly.

So this brings up the question: What is the benefit of being in a specific nation? Right now the only benefit seems to be a few ship building/hiring gold reduction perks but there are 11 nations that own at least 1 port right now... Why should I want to be part of Wales specifically (for example)? Getting a fraction of the daily sales might be a reason although the King should decide who gets how much of the sales.

Summary: The King needs to be FEARED because he can revoke your citizenship. The King also needs to be IMPRESSED because he has goodies and gold that you want.

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Re: New Feature discussion: Nation Control

Postby Captain Jack » Fri Apr 26, 2013 3:51 pm

Giving the King the ability to remove someone sounds like a good idea. This however should have some limits in order to allow healthy competition for King spot instead of keeping it to the one who first got there.

Perhaps it can be only possible only when there are some nation laws breaches. Like getting hostility on your own nation or a country with which the nation has a peace treaty.

Perhaps, it should cost turns. The greater the rank and influence of someone, the more turns it will require.

Finally, there could be a limit on how many times you can remove the same person from your nation. If you declare him once as a Pirate and then he manages to earn back his citizenship, he will enter a probation period for like 7 days where the King will not be able to remove him.
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Re: New Feature discussion: Nation Control

Postby Xanadu » Fri Apr 26, 2013 8:35 pm

The idea of hostility or possibly even the adding of danger points to a player who breaks the laws of their chosen country is a start. Fines of gold could also be assessed to go to the countries treasury. We still need the ability to chose what our countries laws should be though. I think the idea of a country "area or page" like the ones we have for the guilds would be extremely helpful. This would greatly facilitate interaction between country members and get everyone on the same page (pun intended) so to speak. Ideas could be hashed out, laws and punishments decided, port strategies or even war against another country could be discussed and voted upon. The guild page format could be used as a template listing members, announcements, forum for laws, forum for port strategy...etc. The voting would have to be added in but we already vote for most helpful player so that template could be used for nation voting. Once these things are operational other ideas or improvements would then be more readily seen by the players who get involved in the nation building. I'm sure that this happened when guilds were first introduced also.
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Re: New Feature discussion: Nation Control

Postby Hawk » Sat Apr 27, 2013 1:47 am

Hawk wrote:First, I don't think a player should be able to be King of a nation without a certain number of Nobles in that nation as well. The Highest rank could be Governor if that number is lacking

As for the King, I think it would be cool if the game took into account many things to determine who it was. For one, players should be able to lend support to other Govenors or Dukes which increases their chance of becoming king. Also Fame should be taken into account. There could be a formula that uses your fame, influence, and following to determine the King. Each part could count as a third of the total count, so that for example a player with a large following and a lot of Fame could beat a player with any amount of influence

My two cents, King of the Hill sounded too simple for politics

Seemed like a good place to repost my thoughts on Kinglyshiptationism ;)
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Re: New Feature discussion: Nation Control

Postby Spastic » Sat Apr 27, 2013 11:53 am

i think that fame and influence should be be put together in another point system e.g. 10 fame = 1point 1 inf = 2 points or something like that and dukes/governors should be able to vote for the king with their points added to the applicant for king.
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Re: New Feature discussion: Nation Control

Postby Spastic » Sat Apr 27, 2013 12:00 pm

i forgot to add that this way fame would mean something
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Re: New Feature discussion: Nation Control

Postby Tilemaxos » Sat Apr 27, 2013 2:25 pm

I like ZJs method of kicking someone out of the country. If you can't make him leave, maybe you shouldn't be king. Not only that but why should you not have the opportunity as king to be violently overthrown or given the opportunity to suppress a rebellion with force.

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