Greetings everyone,
Since we now got the titles done, next step at nation level is Nation Control. We have no specific plans about it right now so we could all contribute our ideas on how we would like nation control to take place in Pirates Glory.
We will gather the best points and ideas and then try to create a starting point for this feature.
Here are some early ideas:
-The nation control system must be built on titles whereas individuals will get some control over the nation based on their rank.
-Nations should have central treasury which will come with tax collection as well as ways to spend this gold.
-Nations should summon NPC fleets for example, in order to protect a citizen of the nation receiving a surprise attack from someone (pirates perhaps?) Of course, this should cost gold from the nation treasury AND protection should be relevant to player title.
-Foot battle feature should be one of the options that nation control feature should come with. Nations should be able to maintain professional armies perhaps, consisted of soldiers. A player should also have access to about 3 infantry types maximum while nations should have access to more elite units with additional functionality.
-Immigrate/Deport functionality perhaps or even better ability to reject citizenship for specific players, the number of which will be decided by a technology + upgrade building.
This is just a short bunch, I am mostly interested in your ideas.
Remember, this is a very early discussion. We got other features to implement first but till we do this, we should design ahead.