by Slindur » Thu Jan 12, 2017 8:50 pm
I don't think that the single player nations will be involved in this as there would need to be at least 20 mil in the nation's treasury ($10 mil fee and $10 mil min for bounty on LoM), so that does limit the amount of nations that could issue a Letter of Marque.
William, can you give a rationale for why a nation cannot give one of its own players a Letter? I do not see a good rationale for this and would like the nation to be able to give it to current players in the nation without them having to step out of other roles that they may fill in the nation. While my knowledge on Letters of Marque is far from complete, I thought that most people were within the nation that received the letter. It was basically a "get-out-of-jail free" pass for pirating actions against specified targets. I think that makes since to use it this way in the game too.