Dear citizens,
the scourge amongst us has risen to the surface, namely The Rebel Navy aka The Pirate Kings. Never have I witnessed such atrocities leveled at a single person. As the King's most humblest servant I have been targeted, not once...not twice...but over 100 times in less than 12 hours. These acts of cowardice resembled sharks showing no mercy to a peaceful minnow.
The historians may ask why? Why would they attack without prejudice, the leader of The Royal Navy? The answer is simple, they sensed they were going to be the victims. But let me cast the net further back in time.
It has been no secret that I have complained about numerous unprovoked attacks against The Royal Navy by the scum being that of the The Pirate Kings. In fact, other guilds complained to me wanting action also. I broached these breaches on numerous occasions where I actually received an apology from one of their main offenders -RoiLeon (#11503) - 2012-05-15 23:23:38
I personally want to apologize for my attacks on members of your guild and the attacks of the other members of our guild. We wish to maintain a peace with your guild. I can promise that these attacks will no longer happen.
Elite Officer of Pirate Kings
That's right, acknowledgement of his atrocities but still the attacks continued. And yes, he was one of the perpetrators. I complained again - 2012-05-25 07:51:19:
Dear RoiLeon,
these words are empty. I have taken my issue to Hellfire:
A Thieving Magpie sent by Fleet Admiral Billy (#10040) has looted the voodoo card Official List of Demands out of your inventory! 2012-05-23 15:46:12
2 A Thieving Magpie sent by Fleet Admiral Billy (#10040) has looted the voodoo card East India Company out of your inventory! 2012-05-23 15:46:05
3 A Booty Master sent by Fleet Admiral Billy (#10040) has looted 14,408 gold coins out of your treasury! 2012-05-23 15:43:34
Additionally I have been informed that today you have attacked one of my members. The King's tolerance has been tested to its limit.
No more chances. I mean it this time. You have been warned.
Horatio Nelson
Admiral of the Fleet
The Royal Navy
Then low and behold, I receive this reply from RoiLeon:
Your guild has been attacking us and voodooing us multiple upon multiple of times of which mostly, we ignore. The attacks from your guild have cost us 1million gold and fame. Still we ignored it for the most part and attacked back when necessary. Your guild needs to be kept in order because they have been attacking us at first sight unless my guild who asks permission before attacking a guild. On the affair of Fleet Admiral Billy he is barely active and does not read any of the forums. He was not informed not to attack your guild as are in the rules of engagement for us. We are not accountable for his actions but he cannot be punished because it is evening out the actions of your guild. We want to continue peace with your guild but only if you can stop your attacks on us can this truly happen. For now, i propose a cease fire. Any attacks by smaller members of our guild need to be ignored simply because they are new and don't listen to orders well. Newbs are newbs, we cannot guarantee that they will not attack but we will try to inform them not to.
Keeper of the Code
I could not believe my eyes when I read this. In fact, I am prepared to accept that the newest Royal Navy members may have performed attacks on any guild. Now, I have received complaints from other guilds on the odd occasion and every one who has dealt with me knows I deal with those who break our Rules of Engagement ruthlessly and expediently. I expel them unlike The Pirate Kings who harbor their criminals. And I believe that RoiLeon has concocted a fantasy when he accused the Royal Navy of plundering over a million fame points. But should I expect anything less from a liar? I let RoiLeon know this:
"Your guild has been attacking us and voodooing us multiple upon multiple of times of which mostly, we ignore. The attacks from your guild have cost us 1million gold and fame."
I expel members who break our RoE. I am not desperate to hold onto persons who break the code as you can see we are closing in on 100, and will surpass it in the next few days. I find it preposterous that you fail to inform me on any attacks until now, and then you concoct the "it cost 1 million fame" line with no evidence. Next time report it to myself and me only then I can check the screens to confirm it. At least I will do something about it unlike the the Pirate Kings who seem to do nothing but harbor such rogues. Pathetic really.
I strongly urge you to get your band of cut throats into order. As for that clown who attacked myself with voodoo cards...we are retaliating against him because of your guilds failure to instill discipline.
No more warnings for next discussion will be the shot of a cannon. Do I care about my Do I care about The Royal Navy....yes.
Good day to you sir.
And then I was attacked by The Pirate Kings. I shall acknowledge their attacks as well co-ordinated and masterfully executed but that is the extent of my compliments. As far as I am concerned they displayed no ethical conduct in their attack on me, no restraint, and no sense of fair play. They have no Code just canons and voodoo cards. As stated, they harbor offenders of their Code because they do not have the conviction to deal with them.
I canvassed other guilds and the feedback was not favorable towards The Pirate Kings.I wanted to find out who was intending to support them if war was to occur, fortunately there are none - which is indicative of how respected they are by their peers. We of The Royal Navy shall attempt to quell this feces of the ocean so the disease of the unjust does not affect the masses.
This picture is actually larger though. They have attacked like a band of wolves before, are currently conducting unprovoked attacks with no diplomacy on myself and other guilds, and they will attack again. Something needs to be done before it is YOU.
The Royal Navy will attack The Pirate Kings at every opportunity as these bunch of opportunistic scum deserve to be wiped from the edge of the Earth.
Yes, we officially declare war for the sake of defending ourselves and our sovereignty.
And a final message from RoiLeon after the gutless attacks had been conducted on myself:
You do not have the experience to fight a war. We do, we have fought many and we have won them all. We have shown you the error of your folly. We have shown you that our purge is greater than yours. May god speed you to your demise or your surrender.
I shall reply publicly to this, as I understand this is now for the annals of the history books:
Dear Pirate King coward, please reread your message, Be careful, because your slip is peering from your skirts as you have revealed your smugness, your arrogance and your eagerness for war for the world to see. And it is laughable to believe that you will see to the demise of The Royal Navy because it shall never happen. Again you seem to live in a fantasy world.
Rule Britannia!
Horatio Nelson
Admiral of the Fleet
The Royal Navy