by Most Lee Harmless » Fri Mar 20, 2015 12:44 am
regarding the limits on client base : That would mean that pirates would have to wait a very long time before they could use a bank at all, I dont see a level10 bank showing up anytime soon as the gold bars reqd will take a considerable time to appear, and also, the means to make them also have to be expanded. Given the restrictions already in place on pirates, that does seem kinda unfair. After all, the former pirate zones are still home to legitimate international banks happy to deal with 'dirty' money.
It would also tend to exclude the citizens of smaller nations accessing a bank due to paucity of customer base making a 'national' bank unworkable (or not worth spending the vast sums reqd to get to a lvl6 when it could expand beyond its home nation) forcing them to wait until a level6 shows up, and then they could only use that one, no matter how 'untrustworthy', or undesirable the owners, may be.
I'm afraid the push to open banks as 'gold pits' will not go away, as long as treasure is costly to bury, even more costly in turns to cover, yet still gets 'found' and subjected to a 25% loss. So yes, I, for example, am cleaning out my former gold pits and moving those funds into various 'investments', including but not only into my bank : but I've been doing that anyway, bank or no, as burying it has proved to be no protection at all, just a waste of too many turns and still too many large losses. That's not the fault of the new banks, that's an imbalance in the 'treasure hunt' aspect of the game.
-1 : Move to archive.