by Kando Kanu » Thu Oct 28, 2021 11:01 am
I do not need to know if it is against the rules or not to create a rule in a guild that does not allow me the full benefit of the gifting mechanic the game is designed for. I know that the math of it is designed to benefit certain players and to do so for long periods of time. One new player complained they had not received a promotion and they had been there several months, so I will utilize that for my math.
Several months, is in my mind, 3 months. So if I gain the promotion (you need more than 1 to be added to the rotation that is not listed in the guild rules but I am using just 1) in 3 months I will have sent 90 voodoo gifts in exchange for 6.
Now I am added to the rotation, but to be fair, I am behind any others who have ranked up before me as well as the other older members and thats lets say 20 people. Madhi has been in that spot 3 weeks according to Caladan so its at least a month.
I am now in a queue and it will be 21 months before I receive this supposed rotational perk. Add the 3 months of waiting for a promotion and thats 2 years.
2 years equals 730 gifts in exchange for 48 (2 a month I rounded down, with 20 people it would be less) gifts if that is not bending the mechanics in favor of the older players I must be blind.
Caladan said it was to benefit the whole group, but 20 players with voodoo partners in two years would bring the guild more cards.
To state otherwise would be foolish.
Caladan told me he has one of the best voodoo chests in the game and Merc is the strongest guild in the game.
He stated he had no problem with giving his gifts up and I tried to explain that with 57 cards the loss has a different impact for me.
I think he understood that but did not care. It is designed to benefit the older players who have history together.
I captured the image of the rules as they were stated and I have the discussion of the buying back of ships captured as well.
Proof that this game treats new players in a manner that is biased and the impact is felt by newer players.
Stan, no one asked for your voodoo to be removed, I would have happily removed my ships from all 12 fleets.
I utilized the voodoo mechanic for the card as it was intended, I read the card twice when I received it 1 minute before seeing you had over 100 million on hand. You utilized the return voodoo as it was intended. If you had demanded your 3 million back you would have been sorely disappointed because I had utilized the mechanics as they were intended. Your response would be utilizing the mechanics of the voodoo you sent as intended. All that I am saying is that the gifting of cards should be utilized as the mechanics intended.
If you don't comprehend that I can understand why this game is under populated.
To those who have written me I am on a schedule and my time is short. I will respond as I can. Those who have sent guild invites, until I decide my future here I will not waste your time.
Mime yori kokoro