An old sailor were sitting in a tavern beside of some youngsters. He said to them, already a bit drunken, in a distinct way: " Young fellows I want to tell you a episode of my advanterous life." The youngsters, also ale-iluminated, cryed out very interested: "Old Sea-Bear tell us, tell us, we want to hear all!"
"I was enlisted on a big sailing-ship and we are vesseling to the North Sea on the Polar Circle. The captain wanted to ship to the Magnetic Mountain, which is situated there. You must know, that every compass-needle of oure world is showing in the direction of this highenergetic mountain. Navigation on a ship is only possible by this special circumstances. Oure captain wanted also to land at this mountain and loot some magnet-pieces for selling in the next harbour.
We were vesseling between large floatng ice-shells very carefuly and suddenly oure hand on the top cries out: "Land in sight!" Oure captain, looking through his teleskop, announced to us, that we were aproaching the Magnetic Mountain. Suddenly a awful loud sound were to hear as the hiting of a big canon-ball. The iron nails, which were fixing together the wood-boards of oure ship, were pushed out by the power of the Magnetic Mountain and fell into the sea. Oure ship crashed totaly and we, the crew, were swiming, shivering in the cold water, to a next floating ice -mountain. For oure luck this ice-moutsin floated to the near Sibirian north coast, where we were able to go on land."
The youngsters said now laughing to the old sailor: "This was a very unbelieveable story. We think, you have drunken too much whiskey and ale!" "I said to you the truth I consure," the old sailor whispered and fell then from his chair to the ground.