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Value of a Credit

Sun Feb 09, 2014 8:28 pm
by Roileon
I've determined that the value of a credit is 111,111gold.
I have come to this conclusion from using the voodoo market to determine what was the average price for a generosity voodoo card, which gives a player 500k gold. Generosity cards sell for 4.48credits per card, or 4.48 credits for 500,000gold. I rounded 4.48 to 4.5 and did the math for how much gold are you getting per credit from buying this card. The math determined that per credit, a person gets 111,111gold from this.
By this math, 1million gold is equivilant to 9credits.
The value of a credit is determined by how much a credit can get you on the market, however inflated or how well the market does, determines the value of the credit.
Re: Value of a Credit

Sun Feb 09, 2014 9:58 pm
by Sir Henry Morgan
Roileon wrote:
The value of a credit is determined by how much a credit can get you on the market, however inflated or how well the market does, determines the value of the credit.
I think this statement is spot on. This be true when comparing the gold generated by voodoo cards - however, the action of a voodoo card may make a credit worth much more, i.e., 3 Fugitive from Justice cards have the potential to generate 10 million in plunder at about 40 credits for 3 of them. (Please note the word potential - this is simply an example). That would make each credit worth about 250k gold each.
However, to put a simple gold=credit formula is not truly possible. It depends upon the player and how he/she uses credits and gold that will determine the gold value of a credit. It is the potential fun you can have with the gold or credits that determines its value, and that depends upon each individual, unique player.
The true price of anything, even in Avonmora, is what the market will bear, i.e., whatever someone is willing to pay.
Re: Value of a Credit

Sun Feb 09, 2014 10:32 pm
by Grogggy
I'm interested in this question. By your formula, a mindbar that brings 35 credits is worth a shade under 4 million gold?
Re: Value of a Credit

Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:18 pm
by Roileon
All of that though is potential profit and potential value while the generosity card is a hard number that doesn't change from player to player.
Re: Value of a Credit

Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:35 pm
by Grogggy
It comes up frequently in Captain Dungeness' and I's negotiations, we both feel we have the better of the economic conditions in the war.
He feels we need his business some how to make any money, and we feel that the amount of voodoo cards they expend puts us so far into the black, we can do without it.
Cash value even by your modest (but reasonable) formula of the torrents of voodoo that get wasted in these wars so out weighs the gold value of an individual pluner, its hard to see who wins.
Re: Value of a Credit

Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:59 pm
by Sir Henry Morgan
Very true, sir - success in this little spat is both sides using different yardsticks to measure victory. No wonder there be a conflict - cannot even agree on who's winning, losing, whys, what-fors, ???? - priceless.
Anyway, Roi, - there is an intrinsic value to the card - as it can penetrate defensive voodoo, that 500,000 gold added to a treasury may keep a plunder victim from losing a level 10 Large Merchantman - or several - as their treasury is now large enough to pay bounties. How many credits would you pay to save a mate's ships?
There are other uses for this particular card, all value dependent on how its used determining its value in gold and in credits.
Also keep in mind, this card doesn't generate gold - it transfers it from the caster to the castee - no new gold is made. Not worth as much to the caster in gold, but it is worth something in gold to the castee. What benefits does the caster gain from this card? It is going to cost him 500,000 gold. That fact alone - no gold created -makes the movement of 500,000 gold between players worth the 9 credits.
Roi, this is just my perspective on the issue; opinions expressed by any rumlord are subject to question and validity; take them for what they are (the ramblings of a rum-soaked brain), and at your own risk. No disrespect is meant in any way - certainly we can explore and perhaps discover the gold value of a credit...
...or not.
It shall certainly be a convoluted journey!
Re: Value of a Credit

Mon Feb 10, 2014 1:21 am
by Grogggy
Well if I might brag, the one time I think I got through that thick skull to that large Cap Du cerebellum was when I pointed out that mindbar is going for 35 credits, but 2xHostile Native was 2 credits...I think I felt a collective shudder through those 651 masts.
Come to think of it, it was worse--the whole war started with a 2xHN raid...the first salvo alone fired back was 600 cards. You could say it was the card that launched 1000 purchases for Capt Jack:)
isn't this civilized, I'm actually editing this inbetween snacking Morgan's impossible fleets. Impossible I say cause I know damn well I'm going to end up losing money on this deal...getting with these hawker trailer, infinite cannon guys you can't make an honest buck let alone credit!!! (had to bring it back to topic sort a...)
and I'm not even talking about the ones with SOTL--seriously you have balancing issues CJ when people are trading with lev 10 SOTL. I pick my teeth with a telephone pole...
Re: Value of a Credit

Mon Feb 10, 2014 2:54 am
by Roileon
If you're not here to talk about the value of a credit please leave.
Re: Value of a Credit

Mon Feb 10, 2014 3:20 am
by Synzon
There are several different measures we could use for the value of a credit. This is only taking into account cards that directly give you liquid assets.
Expedition Journey:
Right now these cards are averaging 25 credits each. These could give you anywhere from 3.375 mil (used on a lvl 9 sotl) to 5000 (on a lvl 1 howker or cutter). Assuming that you're using it on a lvl 9 sotl without marquess, this works out to 135k a credit.
Buried Treasure:
Right now the only offer on the market is 5 cards for 3 crs. This works out to about 1.6 crs for one card. This means that crs are worth 1.5k each.
Hidden Treasure:
Market price is 1.56 crs. So a credit is worth 32k or 16k if used directly.
Tidal Wave:
Very random. Could give you a lvl 10 sotl or lvl 1 howker. Right now, the price for a tidal wave is about 11.6, so the value could be anywhere from 1.5107 mil to 857 gold.
Potato Party, Rum festival, and Tobbacco Gathering
Heavily dependent on merchanting skills. All of them are about two credits each.
Forced Labor and Military Service
Dependent on player size. Current market price is 1.5 for Labor and 1 for Service.
Iron Golem
Gives you about 200-400 of a resource. Current price is 0.79 each. This gives a credit value range of 12k-1.5k each.
It really depends on what you use to measure how much a credit is worth.
Re: Value of a Credit

Mon Feb 10, 2014 3:28 am
by Roileon
All of those though vary in how much it gives a person while Generosity doesn't vary.
To SHM, while it doesn't generate new gold out of random, for the player being cast on they gain 500k gold putting it's value of a card at 500k by transfer. That's a cold hard number that doesn't vary.
I've explored the buried treasure possibility and concluded that for larger players it would be too small an amount to equal any credit to gold value.