When one is breaking a law, one should be ready to face whatever fallout may result from breaking said law. This might be a shock to learn but guess what-actions have consequences. You can't just blame the people in power for whatever happens to those who break the law or do stupid things. Laws and rules exist for a damn reason. A person breaking into a home may be shot. A person trying to enter a country illegally may end up getting themselves caught by human traffickers. They may be shot by border patrol. Ultimately, they knew that trying to enter illegally could end badly for them. Either with death, imprisonment, caught be a cartel or any number of things. It's sad, and unfair, but we live in an unfair world. Ultimately the US can not take in every single person in need of help. No country can.
Also, I never said that Trump was a good man or person. Personally I think he's a bit of an arse and is not a likeable person. However, as much as I may dislike his character, I also think he's doing a good job as president. Some complaints here and there, but that's every president for you. He's certainly leagues better then Biden.