TRUMP 2020!

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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Wed Jul 08, 2020 11:55 pm

awww maaaaannnnn i missed out on a statue of me for being white

i am always to late for the good stuff :D :D :D
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby The Lamb » Thu Jul 09, 2020 2:08 am

Rosa parks, yes
Malcolm X, no
Dman, maybe :D

I like your list Will and your right, if they want to remove all the southern Democrat statues, fine but not this way. They are all acting like a bunch of spoiled kids.

Blue, you can't judge the past by todays standards or the perfect Utopian standards spouted like a woke religion. Some of what was ok then is not ok now, thats why you dont see alot of 13 year olds getting married. Lincoln was a great president, he did better for the people of this country at that time than most were doing AT THE TIME!. Its about progress not perfection.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Meliva » Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:36 am

Yeah, it's really easy to look at the past and judge them for things, but morality changes and progresses over time. Hell many folks debated and argued over the subject of slavery, much like how today many argue over the subject of abortions. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if in the future. that the subject of abortion will be settled in one way or another, and the folks on the "wrong" side today will be criticized for it.

Ex-if abortion ends up being deemed moral, then the future society will see pro-life folks as restricting women rights and freedoms, while if the opposite happens and it get's deemed immoral, then pro-choice folks will be seen as baby killing monsters.

So always remember that. You can point at the past and scoff at how "wrong' and misinformed they were, but that's a luxury of living further in the future then they did.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby William one eye » Thu Jul 09, 2020 5:01 am

Its easy for most to accept MLk.

Malcolms life must be looked as a journey more than who he was or who he became.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby PhoenixKnight » Sat Jul 11, 2020 10:29 pm

Meliva wrote:Yeah, it's really easy to look at the past and judge them for things, but morality changes and progresses over time. Hell many folks debated and argued over the subject of slavery, much like how today many argue over the subject of abortions. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if in the future. that the subject of abortion will be settled in one way or another, and the folks on the "wrong" side today will be criticized for it.

Ex-if abortion ends up being deemed moral, then the future society will see pro-life folks as restricting women rights and freedoms, while if the opposite happens and it get's deemed immoral, then pro-choice folks will be seen as baby killing monsters.

So always remember that. You can point at the past and scoff at how "wrong' and misinformed they were, but that's a luxury of living further in the future then they did.

Pro life are restricting women rights, if you go to the oldest religious texts in multiple religions, abortion rules are defined clearly and none defines it as a crime of the same magnitude as pro lifers do. Who gave them the right to control people of different faiths who are bound by different rules? USA was founded as a secular country that accepts all religion. Republicans have been slowly converting it to an extremist Christian country. That is unacceptable according to the constitution and the intention of the founding fathers. I will give in to the Supreme Court decision on bearing the cost for contraceptives under religious preview of the employer but the argument for not covering that cost is week at best. It is not preventing abortion, it is preventing population control and women’s right to choose pregnancy if they cannot afford the pills. Everyone knows how ridiculous the medical and pharmaceutical costs in USA compared to the world. This is simply enabling corporations and religious extremists to enforce their views on others by denying them their rights.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Meliva » Sat Jul 11, 2020 11:00 pm

PhoenixKnight wrote:
Pro life are restricting women rights, if you go to the oldest religious texts in multiple religions, abortion rules are defined clearly and none defines it as a crime of the same magnitude as pro lifers do. Who gave them the right to control people of different faiths who are bound by different rules? USA was founded as a secular country that accepts all religion. Republicans have been slowly converting it to an extremist Christian country. That is unacceptable according to the constitution and the intention of the founding fathers. I will give in to the Supreme Court decision on bearing the cost for contraceptives under religious preview of the employer but the argument for not covering that cost is week at best. It is not preventing abortion, it is preventing population control and women’s right to choose pregnancy if they cannot afford the pills. Everyone knows how ridiculous the medical and pharmaceutical costs in USA compared to the world. This is simply enabling corporations and religious extremists to enforce their views on others by denying them their rights.

Mind sharing some of those religions? And if a religion has a belief that is harmful to another or restricts another's rights, then frankly we shouldn't respect that belief-or that religion in my opinion, but that's my personal view. The bible has a part where, I believe it was Paul, but It was one of the disciples said that women shouldn't teach. Should I respect that belief and no longer provide mentorship to folks in my guild? Or how about how in Islam I shouldn't be allowed to show most of my skin? Do I have to respect that belief and cover myself up all the time? So just because a bunch of ancient religions say abortion is Ok or don't condemn it, does not magically make it Ok. Some religions say slavery is ok. Some say that killing non-believers is ok. Does that mean if someone of that religion came into my house and killed me or dragged me off to enslave me, you should respect that belief?

Abortion kills an unborn baby. That is a fact. That's why if someone kills a pregnant woman, he normally get's charged with having killed 2 people. Not one. Now I do admit I support abortion in events when the woman was raped. There might be other extreme cases in which I would support that decision. But if a woman just slept with a man/men without any protection and decided she didn't want the baby? Yeah no, can't support that.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby sXs » Sat Jul 11, 2020 11:20 pm

PhoenixKnight wrote:
Meliva wrote:Yeah, it's really easy to look at the past and judge them for things, but morality changes and progresses over time. Hell many folks debated and argued over the subject of slavery, much like how today many argue over the subject of abortions. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if in the future. that the subject of abortion will be settled in one way or another, and the folks on the "wrong" side today will be criticized for it.

Ex-if abortion ends up being deemed moral, then the future society will see pro-life folks as restricting women rights and freedoms, while if the opposite happens and it get's deemed immoral, then pro-choice folks will be seen as baby killing monsters.

So always remember that. You can point at the past and scoff at how "wrong' and misinformed they were, but that's a luxury of living further in the future then they did.

Pro life are restricting women rights, if you go to the oldest religious texts in multiple religions, abortion rules are defined clearly and none defines it as a crime of the same magnitude as pro lifers do. Who gave them the right to control people of different faiths who are bound by different rules? USA was founded as a secular country that accepts all religion. Republicans have been slowly converting it to an extremist Christian country. That is unacceptable according to the constitution and the intention of the founding fathers. I will give in to the Supreme Court decision on bearing the cost for contraceptives under religious preview of the employer but the argument for not covering that cost is week at best. It is not preventing abortion, it is preventing population control and women’s right to choose pregnancy if they cannot afford the pills. Everyone knows how ridiculous the medical and pharmaceutical costs in USA compared to the world. This is simply enabling corporations and religious extremists to enforce their views on others by denying them their rights.

" Republicans have been slowly converting it to an extremist Christian country."

Actually this comment is completely false. In 2019 65% of the US population identified as Christian. That is down from 81% in 2001. If the Republicans are converting the US to Extremist Christian, they are doing a piss poor job.

"It is not preventing abortion, it is preventing population control and women’s right to choose pregnancy if they cannot afford the pills."

Another completely false statement. "Sprintec, another generic, is $9 for a month's supply at Walmart and Target." $9 a month. Also your statement assumes that there is only one way to prevent pregnancies.

Take this crap somewhere else.

The US is a democratic republic. How is this issue any different than Democrats trying to tell us we have to buy health insurance, and if we can't afford it we will be fined.

The biggest issue that blows your arguments out of the water is this. Birth control is not a health issue. You even admit it in your post. It is more about choice. Even the left acknowledges it is about choice "PRO Coice" not pro abortion. Now you are telling me that all US taxpayers should share in the cost of someone elses "choice"

Forcing insurance companies to cover these costs means everyone else rates go up.

Another confusing point in your post. you are using the "they can't afford" as a way to say insurance companies should cover the cost. Well here is the issue with that. If the cant afford $9 a month then they probably do NOT have insurance either, so it does not matter if insurance companies cover it.

Now I don't give a damn one way or another what choices other people make in this life. I am neither pro life or pro choice. I am more of a live and let live type, but when you try and force me to pay more for something so someone else can have the right to choose, then I have an issue. What about my right to choose an insurance company that does not cover these things?

All this SCOTUS decision did was say you can't force insurance companies to cover this. They can still CHOOSE9theres that damn choice thing again) to cover it, but can not be forced to do it. Isn't that what Liberty is all about? Isn;t that what this country was founded on? LIBERTY, the freedom to choose. Tyranny is more what you are advocating for. Forced compliance.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Sun Jul 12, 2020 3:10 pm

i am all for your body your choice
lol of course to me that means you can take your own life with the help of dr kevorkian or alternate means
but lets be clear democrats dont truly believe your body your choice right?
i believe they are telling everyone to stay home wear masks and other absurd choice removing dictations
freedom is only allowable according to their dictations and thats not really freedom is it?

oh but thats for the health of the nation
but the growth of a nation has been stifled by abortions
the majority by planned parenthood whos mission was to eradicate blacks
but notice no ones shredding that racist institution and burning them out
simply because the democrats the founders of the kkk simply say otherwise

ultimately i am cool if you want to end your own life - your body your choice
killing a baby - murder no matter how you look at it
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Gregor Egerton » Wed Jul 15, 2020 2:19 am

Clearly abortion is murder, but perhaps murder should be made legal!
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Dmanwuzhere » Wed Jul 15, 2020 4:15 am

Gregor Egerton wrote:Clearly abortion is murder, but perhaps murder should be made legal!

i will start making a list :idea: no need to keep it at 1-9 months i would prefer giving the forced inductees of the list a fighting chance :duel
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