TRUMP 2020!

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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Leo » Tue Oct 13, 2020 1:23 pm

Well I'll be damned if I have no idea what anyone is talking about any more.

I'll try my best to respond to as many posts as I can.

A few things: Yes, climate has always been changing. It always will be. That is not the same thing as "climate change". Usually when scientists refer to climate change, they mean the change caused by humans. Science is forever changing. Science 10 years ago could say something that we now know to be false. That does not mean that we shouldn't trust current science. There is always a possibility that current science will be disproven in a few years. But it's what we have. It's the best research we have available. Don't say "WeLl ScIeNcE cHaNgEs SoMeTiMeS sO i'Ll MaKe ScIeNtIfIc AsSuMpTiOnS wHiThOuT pRoPeR tRaInInG!" That's just stupid.

Y'all, listening to science and only science is not "biased". Choosing to listen to certain people because they are scientists is not biased. Choosing only to listen to certain scientists because of what they say is biased.

What the heck are you guys talking about with that H2O thing? I lost you as soon as you said it would kill a bunch of people.

Draque, you do realize that man-made climate change didn't exist in the 60s, right? It can be credited to have started in the early 70s, at which point scientists didn't really know about it yet.

Dman, do you think that climatologists are payed per scientific breakthrough? NO. THEY AREN'T. They are payed just like every other government employee. That means not a whole lotta money.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby DezNutz » Tue Oct 13, 2020 1:44 pm

L.M. wrote:
What the heck are you guys talking about with that H2O thing? I lost you as soon as you said it would kill a bunch of people.

What is there to be lost about? Do you think H2O can't kill you?
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Leo » Tue Oct 13, 2020 1:50 pm

Anything can kill you.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby DezNutz » Tue Oct 13, 2020 2:15 pm

L.M. wrote:Anything can kill you.

So then why were you lost?
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Leo » Tue Oct 13, 2020 2:17 pm

I don't know, I was kinda confused and I have a short attention span...
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby The Lamb » Tue Oct 13, 2020 2:48 pm

Kim Jong Un wrote:
it's water? This is kinda confusing I thought it was similar to water. I'll go have more of a look but I don't quite get it

Kim, the whole point of this exercise was to two fold.

1. Dihydrogen Monoxide is the scientific term for H2O. But if you say it that way and list the attributes of water, you can make it sound really scary to those who dont know any better. Do a search on videos for DHMO, pretty funny how gullible some people can be.

2. Do your own research, come to your own conclusions, dont just mindlessly follow anyone.


"Climate Change" started 3.8 billion years ago after the heavy bombardment period.

One could argue that the large scale contributions of humans on climate started during the industrial revolution when we burned a shart load of coal.
What started in the 60's was the hysteria that due to climate change we were going into a new ice age.

You denounce all the observed science we have given you, all the natural cycles that we have brought up and swear by forecast science instead (predicting the future). You say science gets it wrong, and they do, but only the prediction and theory's can be wrong, actual historic observations are not.

Just because an idea is new to you, doesn't mean its new. Just because your scared about the idea doesn't mean everyone who knows better should be scared. What your saying is , dont be afraid of the new ice age of the 60's 70's 80's, those scientists screaming about it got it wrong, dont be afraid of the rapid global warming and melting of Antarctica touted in the 90's and early 2000's, those scientists screaming about it got it wrong, dont be afraid about all the sea level rise predicted in for 2014-2017, those scientists screaming about it got it wrong, but defiantly be afraid that some scientists predict all trees and most species on the planet will be gone in 30 years because that is totally right!

You are a smart guy, you know how silly that sounds right? Its like chicken little, a story you were most likely never read as a kid :D
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Leo » Tue Oct 13, 2020 3:04 pm

Draque, you're arguments are science. They are blind observation. I listen to science. If a bunch of scientists came out and said "We just found evidence that climate change is not caused by humans" then I would listen to their arguments and consider it just as I would any other scientist. The argument that I do not consider is the one that some of you are posing. Raw data is not the same thing as scientific evidence. You have to understand that.

I'm not saying what you are telling me I am.

Here is what I am saying: The science that we have to day is the most accurate information that we currently have. Sure, it might be proven wrong later on, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't trust it. It's the best we can do.

Just an FYI the sea levels have already increased a lot, so the 2014-2017 thingy got it right.

I'm not telling you to be afraid of climate change. I'm asking you to do what you can to prevent it, slow it, and stop it. That includes how you vote, not just making green life choices.

And after being told repeatedly by experts on the subject that man-made climate change is a very real problem and is a threat to young an future generations, your argument sounds like a big punch in the face to me, my generation, and future generations.
Last edited by Leo on Tue Oct 13, 2020 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby The Lamb » Tue Oct 13, 2020 3:19 pm

L.M. wrote:Draque, you're arguments are science. They are blind observation. I listen to science. If a bunch of scientists came out and said "We just found evidence that climate change is not caused by humans" then I would listen to their arguments and consider it just as I would any other scientist. The argument that I do not consider is the one that some of you are posing. Raw data is not the same thing as scientific evidence. You have to understand that.

I'm not saying what you are telling me I am.

Here is what I am saying: The science that we have to day is the most accurate information that we currently have. Sure, it might be proven wrong later on, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't trust it. It's the best we can do.

Just an FYI the sea levels have already increased a lot, so the 2014-2017 thingy got it right.

I'm not telling you to be afraid of climate change. I'm asking you to do what you can to prevent it, slow it, and stop it. That includes how you vote, not just making green life choices.

And after being told repeatedly by experts on the subject that man-made climate change is a very real problem and is a threat to young an future generations, your argument sounds like a big punch in the face to me, my generation, and future generations.

The sea level has risen 6.5 inches since 1950, hardly the city crushing, civilization devastating result predicted for those years :D :D :D

I would say, no shart sea levels will rise little by little

Here is NASA "Global sea level has fluctuated widely in the recent geologic past. It stood 4-6 meters above the present during the last interglacial period, 125,000 years ago, but was 120 m lower at the peak of the last ice age, around 20,000 years ago."

Sooooooo, we are still colder than last time, the water is still lower than last time... I bet its a safe bet that we may get warmer and sea levels may rise more even if we werent here, just as before.

I know I know, thats them damn blind observations again, but the real science involves crystal balls, tarot cards and white sage for ambiance :) The truth is no one knows! Period.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby DezNutz » Tue Oct 13, 2020 4:22 pm

L.M. wrote:Draque, you're arguments are science. They are blind observation. I listen to science. If a bunch of scientists came out and said "We just found evidence that climate change is not caused by humans" then I would listen to their arguments and consider it just as I would any other scientist. The argument that I do not consider is the one that some of you are posing. Raw data is not the same thing as scientific evidence. You have to understand that.

I'm not saying what you are telling me I am.

Here is what I am saying: The science that we have to day is the most accurate information that we currently have. Sure, it might be proven wrong later on, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't trust it. It's the best we can do.

Just an FYI the sea levels have already increased a lot, so the 2014-2017 thingy got it right.

I'm not telling you to be afraid of climate change. I'm asking you to do what you can to prevent it, slow it, and stop it. That includes how you vote, not just making green life choices.

And after being told repeatedly by experts on the subject that man-made climate change is a very real problem and is a threat to young an future generations, your argument sounds like a big punch in the face to me, my generation, and future generations.

Looks like it's time for another class.

Today Class, we will briefly discuss the scientific method.

The scientific method is a process and is broken down into several steps.


RAW Data is a result of Testing and is used during the Analysis step. RAW Data is scientific evidence. The analysis of this RAW Data determines if the prediction, and thus hypothesis is true. Ignoring conflicting data and/or cherry picking information from the RAW Data to fit the prediction or to update the Hypothesis and Prediction to obtain a set conclusion is not science.

A more thorough set of steps on the process.


Thank you class, and enjoy the rest of your day.
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Re: TRUMP 2020!

Postby Mack » Tue Oct 13, 2020 5:22 pm

mack: do you know how much of hawaii is lost each year?

mack: do you know how much of hawaii grows every year
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