Here are some insightful stats that you cannot find elsewhere.
Ships Market
As you can tell from the Market History as well, a total of 57,213 ships have been traded in the Ships Market.
Total credits spent amount to the number of 377,395 which means that average sale value per ship is 6.59 credits.
Top 3 ship types sold are:
Large Merchantman 32,171
Trade Galleon 13,198
Ship of the Line 2,340
Credits Market
31,242 transactions so far.
699,154 credits traded.
Average credit value: 201k
Voodoo Market
222,877 unique transactions.
We do not hold data since the beginning for all related data here.
For the 90,352 transactions currently in the database, a total of 1,816,143 credits have been traded for a total of 724,525 cards.
An average value of 20.1 credits per transaction or 2.5 credits per card.
Top 25 cards traded by number Volume:
NAME | Total Cards Traded | Total Credits Traded | Avg value per card
Potato Party 26,659 35,863 1.3452
Tobacco Gathering 24700 62810 2.5429
Rum Festival 24621 57737 2.3450
Black Death 22598 98868 4.3751
Hostile Natives 22205 20755 0.9347
Transport Immigrants 21637 146183 6.7562
English Indian Company 21248 6739 0.3172
Time Spiral 19000 24265 1.2771
Spanish Indian Company 18732 3302 0.1763
Favorable Winds 16703 12532 0.7503
Spy Network 15281 15170 0.9927
Drums of War 15219 3417 0.2245
Advanced Piracy 14058 1716 0.1221
Bless 13197 2855 0.2163
Dutch Indian Company 13181 1493 0.1133
Ruby Ring 12569 2550 0.2029
Buried Treasure 12480 2625 0.2103
Disfavor 12319 2211 0.1795
Hostile Waters 11958 2193 0.1834
Trade Master 11664 1428 0.1224
Death Poker 11627 9270 0.7973
Iron Golem 11270 2641 0.2343
Control the Skies 10861 952 0.0877
Royal Fleet Auxiliary 10672 1001 0.0938
East Indian Company 10533 16302 1.5477
Top 25 Cards traded by credits worth traded
NAME | Total Cards Traded | Total Credits Traded | Avg value per card
Charity Donation 9029 160871 17.8171
Transport Immigrants 21637 146183 6.7562
Mindbar 4645 123794 26.6510
Master Craftmanship 4872 119841 24.5979
Black Death 22598 98868 4.3751
Serenity 9048 76406 8.4445
Tobacco Gathering 24700 62810 2.5429
Rum Festival 24621 57737 2.3450
Conspiracy 7942 57475 7.2368
Purify 9422 56822 6.0308
Call Leviathan 3959 49910 12.6067
Fugitive from Justice 9296 46386 4.9899
Ambush 3746 45398 12.1191
Hideout 3365 42904 12.7501
Duplicate 3686 41356 11.2198
Countercurse 6296 41061 6.5218
Expedition Journey 3318 40760 12.2845
Potato Party 26659 35863 1.3452
Bribe 3001 35275 11.7544
Propaganda 9767 34939 3.5772
Pouch of Gold 6262 33775 5.3936
Thieving Magpie 6109 24837 4.0656
Booty Master 3412 24388 7.1477
Time Spiral 19000 24265 1.2771
West Indian Company 9760 23814 2.4400
Resources Market
9,999 transactions so far.
687,526,503 gc worth of transactions.
Resource | Crates sold
Food 29,422,970
Tobacco 10,922,046
Rum 5,148,868
Wood 1,278,320
Iron 740,863
Tools 542,963
Cotton 322,919
Workers Market
1,180 transactions so far
73,166,808 workers have been traded for a total of 449,844,420 gc.
An avg price of 6.14gc per worker