Mini Requests

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Re: Mini Requests

Postby DezNutz » Sun Jan 14, 2018 3:45 pm

Wolfie wrote:
Zephore wrote:You're a trader, right? You might count cards like leviathan and such cheap, but for a pirate, who does not have a constant income (Yes, the game is trader sided for now) these cards can be expensive for the said pirate.

I disagree, most pirates have piracy maxed out with 72 skirmishes they are able to earn 5M just from piracy tech. If we add few plunder attacks to the count good pirate can rack up 6-7M daily so yea levis can be counted as cheap voodoo

Definitely on point, but not exactly accurate.

Assuming Max Skirmish Tech, a player can have a total of 172 skirmish points (72 base + 5 for each Skirmish Tech Level). However they are limited to earning 3 points per day plus 1 for each level of Skirmish Tech. So a non-pirate can earn 23 skirmish points per day max. A pirate (Jolly Roger) earns an extra 5 per day, bringing that total to 28. If you include potential failures, a pirate (Jolly Roger) should be able to consistently obtain 20 successful skirmish attacks per day, every day.

Assuming max piracy tech, that's 1.4M per day and that doesn't include the cargo.

Even if the total success per day is only 15 (as there are other pirates and players who use skirmish) that's still 1.05M gc a day just from Max Piracy Tech.

As for the obtainability of Leviathan and others and your claim of it being cheap for traders; having gc doesn't make leviathan or any other card cheap. While having gold coin helps with the credit exchange, there are other means to obtaining credits and needed voodoo cards.

For Credits, the first is an even playing field called real money. Everyone pays the same amounts for the same amount of credits, except special event purchase rates for first time buyers. Then you have the card and ship markets that allow you to sell your ships or cards for credits. Pretty equal in those senses as well in regards to playing style.

For Cards, you have presents. Then you have the card market and booster packs. Yes they cost credits but you can sell your existing cards on the market and pay for other cards and booster packs. Isn't exactly one sided.
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Re: Mini Requests

Postby Sebena » Sun Jan 14, 2018 5:58 pm

DezNutz wrote:
Wolfie wrote:
Zephore wrote:You're a trader, right? You might count cards like leviathan and such cheap, but for a pirate, who does not have a constant income (Yes, the game is trader sided for now) these cards can be expensive for the said pirate.

I disagree, most pirates have piracy maxed out with 72 skirmishes they are able to earn 5M just from piracy tech. If we add few plunder attacks to the count good pirate can rack up 6-7M daily so yea levis can be counted as cheap voodoo

Definitely on point, but not exactly accurate.

Assuming Max Skirmish Tech, a player can have a total of 172 skirmish points (72 base + 5 for each Skirmish Tech Level). However they are limited to earning 3 points per day plus 1 for each level of Skirmish Tech. So a non-pirate can earn 23 skirmish points per day max. A pirate (Jolly Roger) earns an extra 5 per day, bringing that total to 28. If you include potential failures, a pirate (Jolly Roger) should be able to consistently obtain 20 successful skirmish attacks per day, every day.

Assuming max piracy tech, that's 1.4M per day and that doesn't include the cargo.

Even if the total success per day is only 15 (as there are other pirates and players who use skirmish) that's still 1.05M gc a day just from Max Piracy Tech.

As for the obtainability of Leviathan and others and your claim of it being cheap for traders; having gc doesn't make leviathan or any other card cheap. While having gold coin helps with the credit exchange, there are other means to obtaining credits and needed voodoo cards.

For Credits, the first is an even playing field called real money. Everyone pays the same amounts for the same amount of credits, except special event purchase rates for first time buyers. Then you have the card and ship markets that allow you to sell your ships or cards for credits. Pretty equal in those senses as well in regards to playing style.

For Cards, you have presents. Then you have the card market and booster packs. Yes they cost credits but you can sell your existing cards on the market and pay for other cards and booster packs. Isn't exactly one sided.

Yes I agree when i was starting we didn't have credits exchange or ship market so only way for credits was real money and card market. I remember I was new and not really interessted in voodoo attacks so I was selling cards like mindbars and fujis to get credits to buy booster packs.
Entire saying cards are expensive to pirates is bullsh...t if you are pirate then you don't need company cards sell them they can bring you huge ammount of credits because they are common in packs. Of course there is ship market aswell LMMs go for 1 credit TG aswell sometimes it is 2 and more credits. You need credits build SotL lvl 1 it starts at 6 and often hits 13-15 credits.
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Re: Mini Requests

Postby Admiral Nelson » Sun Jan 14, 2018 6:00 pm

Jeesh... Someones salty still over loosing his 60 attribute ship of the line after 30 Veangence of the Witch Doctor went his way.
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Re: Mini Requests

Postby Charles Vane » Sun Jan 14, 2018 6:43 pm

Dejanira wrote:Would be possible to add a downloadable copy of the Curses Encyclopedia? Something viewable offline.

I have added this as a downloadable PDF on my help site found here --->
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Re: Mini Requests

Postby Dejanira » Sun Jan 14, 2018 7:22 pm

Charles Vane wrote:I have added this as a downloadable PDF on my help site found here --->

Great! Thank you :)
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Re: Mini Requests

Postby Zephore » Sun Jan 14, 2018 8:13 pm

DezNutz wrote:If you mean a consistent high level income, then I could agree with you to an extent.

This is exactly what I meant :)
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Re: Mini Requests

Postby Admiral Nelson » Sun Jan 14, 2018 9:50 pm

Charles Vane wrote:I have added this as a downloadable PDF on my help site found here --->

+1 to this.

Give this guy a flagship. ;)
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Re: Mini Requests

Postby Kangaroo » Mon Jan 15, 2018 9:21 am

Charles Vane wrote:
Dejanira wrote:Would be possible to add a downloadable copy of the Curses Encyclopedia? Something viewable offline.

I have added this as a downloadable PDF on my help site found here --->

along with many others, an awesome contribution :)
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Re: Mini Requests

Postby D00T » Mon Jan 15, 2018 11:23 pm

Make a option to view who is in a guild in the guild menu, instead of going to the guild page to go to the member list
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Re: Mini Requests

Postby not a pirate » Tue Jan 23, 2018 5:28 am

Suggestion: Whenever viewing the most recent/active posts in a Guild or Nation, whenever it indicates who posted last and when, it should be updated by any edits. (i.e. if Pirate Roberts posts something saying "Wow I like cheese!" 5 days ago, but then edits his message today saying, "Wow I LOVE cheese," it would say the last post was today rather than 5 days ago.) or keep the last post in-tact and have a new line of text saying "last edited- _______"
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