Mini Requests

We are always looking for ways to improve the game. In fact, since the beginning player suggestions had played a major part in game design.

We read all suggestions.

Re: Mini Requests

Postby Shadowood » Sat Apr 22, 2017 11:11 pm

For those of you who don't know about gold bars...

Gold Bars

-A Gold Bar is a resource produced only by players.
-A goldsmith is required to produce gold bars.
-Gold Bars are a required resource for many advanced constructions in Avonmora.
-Gold Bars can be sold in the Market.

Market Price

-Gold Bars market price price is based on Supply and Demand.
-It changes dynamically in every 25 crates sold based on this formula:
Gold Bars Price = -0.01 * Market Stock + 3000

-A market fee is also applied to the price. The current market fee is 2.75%. This fee is calculated as shown below:
Market Price = Gold Bars Price * 0.9725 for the market buying price.
Market Price = Gold Bars Price * 1.0275 for the market selling price.
Market price fee is calculated dynamically per 25 crates.

-Duke bonuses of 2% is applied on sales.
-There might be a voodoo bonus of up to 2.5% on sales from East Indian Company cards (Dutch, English and Spanish).
The bonuses are applied as shown below:
Final Price = Market Price + (Gold Bars Price * Duke Bonus) + (Gold Bars Price * EIC bonus)
Bonuses are applied on the final price and are not calculated per 25 crates.

Markets will always pay at LEAST 750 gold coins for a Gold Bars crate.

The nation that holds the port, earns 0.75% on every Gold Bar crate sale.
Warehouse Tycoon can play a great role in Gold Bars trading (up to 2.5% discount on manual purchases).

One of the most important things to keep in mind is the first bullet point. THIS IS A RESOURCE PRODUCED ONLY BY PLAYERS. If you want to trade gold bars, invest in a gold smith.
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Re: Mini Requests

Postby Charles Vane » Sat Apr 22, 2017 11:13 pm

Or.. "invest" in skirmish tactics and plunder them! :pirateflag :P
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Re: Mini Requests

Postby Admiral Nelson » Sun Apr 23, 2017 8:09 am

Charles Vane wrote:Or.. "invest" in skirmish tactics and plunder them! :pirateflag :P

Just Skirmish, surely the plunder would be good too?
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Re: Mini Requests

Postby Stan Rogers » Thu Apr 27, 2017 1:34 am

After editing trade routes, the screen with all fleets comes up and displays
"Trade route succesfully changed"

Can you put the name of the fleet that was changed also in this announcement line ?
Eg: 'Fleet Name' Trade route successfully changed.

When doing a number of trade routes, you sometimes forget the exact fleet name you just changed.
Also repair the spelling error in "Successfully"
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Re: Mini Requests

Postby Shadowood » Thu Apr 27, 2017 2:12 am

Stan Rogers wrote:After editing trade routes, the screen with all fleets comes up and displays
"Trade route succesfully changed"

Can you put the name of the fleet that was changed also in this announcement line ?
Eg: 'Fleet Name' Trade route successfully changed.

When doing a number of trade routes, you sometimes forget the exact fleet name you just changed.
Also repair the spelling error in "Successfully"

This should be an easy update as if you edit 2 or more routes at once it lists the routes and trade fleet names at the top of the page already.
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Re: Mini Requests

Postby Stan Rogers » Thu Apr 27, 2017 2:40 am

The current method I use to avoid transporting unwanted cargo requires setting a trade route, pausing a trade route, setting a destination and then activating a trade route.
I can get back to the fleet in each of these maneuvers directly except when I set and edit the trade route to which I must go back to the fleets or headquarters page and then start 'over resetting the new parameters.

Not a big deal but having the fleet name/direct link at the top beside the trade change announcement would eliminate a few button clicks back through the headquarters menu.
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Re: Mini Requests

Postby Captain Jack » Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:56 pm

Most requests have been implemented.

-For sticky instant messenger window, click on X to close it.
-Use remember me option to automatically log in the game (even if it logs you out).

Ideas not implemented
-Crystal Ball management (in near future)
-Several Ships Market related requests (some have been added to existing approved suggestions, some have been ignored but are still good). Thing is that Ships Market (and shipwrights to an extend) do need a bigger update where the several small requests can be added. So, they are beyond the scope of this topic for now.

We are awaiting for your new requests. Please, only post mini requests here.
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Re: Mini Requests

Postby sXs » Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:08 pm

How about a forward option on an open email.
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Re: Mini Requests

Postby William one eye » Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:10 pm

Shopping cart for voodoo market

I also came up with a shopping cart and sorting method - however while some seemed opposed to that, I think the shopping cart would still be useful.
I would very much like to have a voodoo shopping cart similar to what I am showing below

Part of this is also a market indicator - not at all essential and many oppose that idea.
I am suggesting above, below and equal, to avoid the issue that average price will sometimes not be a whole number

sorting and indicator

Shopping cart suggestion

Then add a check box - add to cart

Then add a page with a shopping cart so you can review your possible choices and place bids

You could add a bulk bid check box to select all the cards you choose to bid on and bid all at once

I think that would improve the bulk buying experience a bit.
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Re: Mini Requests

Postby Sir Henry Morgan » Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:12 pm

It was stated earlier that the Help Index button is a bit hard to find - Perhaps a button or link be placed on every page possible in a more prominent place?
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