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Cancellation of Ship Sale

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2016 8:54 am
by Jolly Dodger
i recently placed one of my ships on the ship market to sell
due to the fact no one is bidding i now want to cancel the ship sale.
How do you cancel the sale of a ship i cant see a way to remove the ship from the ship market.

help anyone please


+1 Archive

Re: Cancellation of Ship Sale

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2016 9:09 am
by Meliva
you cant. place a ship on the ship market and all you can do is change the price or hope someone buys it. honestly they need to implement a cancel feature so a ship wont be stuck there forever.

Re: Cancellation of Ship Sale

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2016 9:12 am
by Jolly Dodger
Whoops Well that just sucks it may never sell, at least if a sold it direct to the shipwright i would have made some money on it. Sigh
Thanks for the reply Meliva.

Cancellation of ship Auction

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2016 9:21 am
by Jolly Dodger
The ship Auction needs a cancellation button so that ships that are not selling can at least be removed allowing players to sell direct to Shipwright

Re: Cancellation of Ship Sale

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2016 9:31 am
by Meliva
no problem. a few things I can recommend is to lower the price(if it can be lowered) or just be patient. I once put plundered a level 1 cutter. had no use for it so I raised its level up to 5, and put it up for 2 creds, didn't sell for a while so I bumped it to 1. still didn't sell until about 3-4 days later.

Re: Cancellation of Ship Sale

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2016 9:32 am
by Haron
You can't really implement a "cancel" feature in the ships market without effectively giving everyone many free levels of "private marina". If you can cancel a ship sale, you can just put up your ship for sale for 1M credits, and then it's completely safe from everything, just like in a marina. If you need your ship, you just cancel the sale.

I agree, however, that the ship market need some modifications. One idea could be that a ship that's put on a market, still exists in a port, but then it'd be very prone to "commandeer" voodoo. Maybe hide the ship's ID, so it can't be attacked directly? Then you run the risk of having the ship commandeered, but only if someone first finds out that you have a ship out of fleet another way, like with a spy network.

Ideally, I'd really prefer both the ships market and voodoo market to work like an ordinary stock market, where you enter buy and sell orders. However, since a ship of a specific type can have any level from 1 to 10, and for any level it can have a different number of points, this would mean that each possible combination of ship, level and points would have to be considered separately, which probably makes this a bad idea. I think it would work rather well for the voodoo market, though.

I don't really know what the best solution would be for buying and selling ships, but I DO feel like it needs to change, somehow.

Re: Cancellation of ship Auction

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2016 9:34 am
by Grimrock Litless
Jolly Dodger wrote:The ship Auction needs a cancellation button so that ships that are not selling can at least be removed allowing players to sell direct to Shipwright

It seems this has been said a lot of times.

Re: Cancellation of ship Auction

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2016 9:38 am
by Haron
This is a copy from my reply to the other post about this, as this is where it really belongs:

You can't really implement a "cancel" feature in the ships market without effectively giving everyone many free levels of "private marina". If you can cancel a ship sale, you can just put up your ship for sale for 1M credits, and then it's completely safe from everything, just like in a marina. If you need your ship, you just cancel the sale.

I agree, however, that the ship market need some modifications. One idea could be that a ship that's put on a market, still exists in a port, but then it'd be very prone to "commandeer" voodoo. Maybe hide the ship's ID, so it can't be attacked directly? Then you run the risk of having the ship commandeered, but only if someone first finds out that you have a ship out of fleet another way, like with a spy network.

Ideally, I'd really prefer both the ships market and voodoo market to work like an ordinary stock market, where you enter buy and sell orders. However, since a ship of a specific type can have any level from 1 to 10, and for any level it can have a different number of points, this would mean that each possible combination of ship, level and points would have to be considered separately, which probably makes this a bad idea. I think it would work rather well for the voodoo market, though.

I don't really know what the best solution would be for buying and selling ships, but I DO feel like it needs to change, somehow.

Re: Cancellation of Ship Sale

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2016 9:38 am
by Meliva
well I think a simple way to implement it is to have timers and rules.. for example, once you put a ship on the market, you cannot remove the ship for a minimum of 3 days. if you remove it from the market, it cannot be added back to the market for another 3 days. and as a final precaution, a ship cannot be entered into the market any more then 3 times. so even if you tried to use it as a private marina, you could only do it 3 times per ship, and the timers would also be annoying. and any players caught doing this repeatedly would be given a warning.

Re: Cancellation of Ship Sale

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2016 9:47 am
by Jolly Dodger
Being fairly new to the game, i dont understand all the mechanics of the game yet i.e i have not yet encountered a marina, i assume this comes with a hide out. but the solution that Meliva suggested is almost there except a player genuinely just trying to sell a ship would be banned from selling after 3 attempts.
anyway not to worry the better half has just joined the game so i will send her a credit and she will buy and use the ship which is at the moment stuck in my auction.
cheers all for thought and info