Ships Market

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Ships Market

Postby Captain Jack » Mon Mar 02, 2015 8:01 pm

The wealth in Avonmora continues to grow. The new hideout buildings will empty the coffers in the short future ahead but in the long run they are expected to further increase the wealth power.

This means that we need more things for everyone to buy. One idea could be ships market where players will be able to buy ships for gold coins evading the turn and resource cost.

Ideally, ships should be offered either by buy now option or an auction. Cheating fightback will force us to some restrictions though.Our objective is to create a feature where any player, will use it, according to current needs.

A good way to implement this would be to:
1)Allow everyone to put ships anonymously in an auction, in the same fashion as the voodoo cards.
2)Allow players with a hideout, to construct a Shipwright building which will give certain bonuses like:
-A player specific store in this market, for example Shaydo's Finest Ships. (with its own logo,etc)
-Market tools in order to sell to newcomers (after level 5)
-Buy now option for buyers (at level 10 for example)
-Lower turn/resource/gold cost for ship building to shipwright owners per level (no huge differences though) (after level 10)

Your feedback and rate of approval will play a role in this feature's priority which will be at all cases implemented after ship specialization feature. A really low feedback will mean we have better avoid implementing this.
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Re: Ships Market

Postby Stan Rogers » Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:45 pm

If there was a mechanism to move larger amounts of GC between players, I would have been doing this months ago without admin intervention. The ability to trade in gold bars may be sufficient to allow many idea's that have occurred over the past months.
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Re: Ships Market

Postby Shaydo » Mon Mar 02, 2015 11:44 pm

Would using the shipwright to build ships still cost turns, or just time & resources?

I like the idea of selling ships although they have a flat rate price as it stands, the only 2 uses would be transferring gold or gifting new players ships. If the shipwright means they can be built for a lot less as the levels increase then there would be room for a market here, higher level ship wrights would corner the market but when all sold out lower tier shipwrights could maybe get some sales in, depends on the mechanics i guess.

IF you remove the gold and turn cost, increase the resource cost and require gold bars for them to be built in shipwright, then steadily lower these requirements as the level increases there could be room for a viable market, need a way to create competition though, either the add-on features that will come later or maybe sheer blind luck if its a good one, worth more?

Their's potential i think but a lot to work out first?
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Re: Ships Market

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Mon Mar 02, 2015 11:50 pm

Very much in favor of this notion : I like the auction option, and feel it should operate the same as the voodoo card auction : 3-day sale for credits : best offer above start price secures.

The player-broker option should work within the 'game-world', so prices should be set in coin and/or bar and would operate on a 'take it or leave it' basis, though no doubt an element of haggling would be fun : a broker who offers coin and/or gold bar for ships to purchase would also add an option for players needing to sell spare ships : it would also mean a differential in pricing could be found for those better ships with higher att scores
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Re: Ships Market

Postby Francois le Clerc » Tue Mar 03, 2015 3:39 am

Danik renoir wrote:Very much in favor of this notion : I like the auction option, and feel it should operate the same as the voodoo card auction : 3-day sale for credits : best offer above start price secures.

The player-broker option should work within the 'game-world', so prices should be set in coin and/or bar and would operate on a 'take it or leave it' basis, though no doubt an element of haggling would be fun : a broker who offers coin and/or gold bar for ships to purchase would also add an option for players needing to sell spare ships : it would also mean a differential in pricing could be found for those better ships with higher att scores

player should also pay 25% less than what they are paying for in shipyard and 25% more if they want it instantly
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Re: Ships Market

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Tue Mar 03, 2015 4:22 am

Not sure what the plus/minus 25% refers to : a new 'shipwright' technology for the hide-out, auction sales or direct sales from player brokers?

I think any market will find its own price levels ; some ship types will rarely find many buyers, others will always be in demand : shipwright/brokers might aim for the 'top-end' of the market, but I'd also see a niche market for 'ready to sail' trade fleets, for example. I could also envisage 'trade-in' deals : a player sells 2 frigates and gets a large frigate in return, or offers some ships plus gold for a SotL. Currently, sold ships go out of the game, which is a shame in some ways.

I do think it would allow the better ships to command a better price : currently I have ships in fleet, not that I want them or that they fit my needs, but that they are too good to scrap when I would get the same price scrapping the worse dog of the same type. Yes, I can, and do, gift them to new players, but that has its own problems of timing and having some use or place for them until they are wanted.

With such an avenue open for maximising returns on ship sales, there would be some incentive also for targetted strikes and captures. With high attribute ships (hopefully) commanding a premium in the market place, I think the idea has great possibilities.

I'd also add this thought : it would open a door for a player to recover a lost ship of value to them : either by negotiation via a ship-broker, or thru the auction process.
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Re: Ships Market

Postby Captain Jack » Tue Mar 03, 2015 1:50 pm

The hideout special building about it,could extend it in more ways.

For example, all players will be able to havel 5 ships auctions open maximum at any given time.
Players with a hideout will be able to add, lets say 3 more ships per level.

Also, think a Pirate who just got a 60point SoL. Right now, selling it off to the market is a waste. The ship market will help him get a better price for his efforts.
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Re: Ships Market

Postby Captain dungeness » Thu Mar 05, 2015 1:39 am

I would like to be able to sell ships for credits. I would be fine with allowing someone to buy this ship for 100credits OR 17M gold coins.
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Re: Ships Market

Postby Cdv » Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:45 pm

Captain dungeness wrote:I would like to be able to sell ships for credits. I would be fine with allowing someone to buy this ship for 100credits OR 17M gold coins.

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Re: Ships Market

Postby Barnabas Sackett » Fri Mar 06, 2015 3:19 am

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