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[Implemented] Turns cost tweaks in Voodoo

PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 12:18 pm
by Captain Jack
Here is the list of changes, while we will implement after Skirmish implementation.

The tweaks target in two primary objectives:
1)Curses should cost more than 8 turns. (After the tweak, only self sacrifice will violate this, with good reason)
2)Curses that require additional turns to be profitable, should have low turn cost (ie Pacifism,Advanced Piracy etc)

Both objectives are required in order to make the game more long-lasting in battles and wars. It should leave more turns available for:
-More curses
-More attacks
-More fastens

which will all help in making the game more vivid.

Turns cost reduced to 1 (from 2):

Turns cost reduced to 3 (from 5):
Hidden Treasure
Advanced Piracy
Call the Kraken (from 8)
Fire Ship (from 5)

Turns cost reduced to 4 (from 8):
Coastal Piracy
Coastal Patrol

Turns cost reduced to 5 (from 6):
Black Death
Transport Immigrants
Commandeer (from 8)
Remodel (from 8)

Turns cost reduced to 8 (from 10):
Swarm of Worms
Favorable Winds
West/East India Company
Mindbar (from 12)
Ravage (from 12)
Call Leviathan (from 18)
Treasure Fleet (from 18)

Turns Cost increased to 3 (from 2):

Feedback is welcomed, if it is structured. Please post like this:

Card name: Demo Card
Proposal: Demo Card should have x turns.
Reason: It suits my long term strategy more.

Feel free to include cards not included here. Limit proposals to TURNS COST only.

Re: Forthcoming Turns cost tweaks in Voodoo

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 12:06 pm
by Francois le Clerc
Captain Jack wrote:Turns cost reduced to 8 (from 10):
Ravage (from 12)

If these tweaks are already implemented then there is something wrong with the RAVAGE it still cost 12 turns to cast....

ALOT of the voodoos are still costing their original turns

Re: Forthcoming Turns cost tweaks in Voodoo

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2015 1:38 pm
by Captain Jack
They are not implemented yet. No feedback at all, so we postponed it for anytime later.

Re: Forthcoming Turns cost tweaks in Voodoo

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2015 1:56 pm
by Most Lee Harmless
They all seemed fine to me, so I didn't comment.

Re: Forthcoming Turns cost tweaks in Voodoo

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2015 1:58 pm
by Roberts
Captain Jack wrote:They are not implemented yet. No feedback at all, so we postponed it for anytime later.

You should know this by now , if no one comments implement it... :lol:

Re: Forthcoming Turns cost tweaks in Voodoo

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2015 3:24 pm
by Captain Jack
To be sincere, I was expecting to hear complaints for Call Leviathan. This card is always stirring up heat and a lot of different opinions.

Also, we intended to had Skirmish released before this release, so that's another reason. Uncertaincy surrounds skirmish so these are delayed.

Re: Forthcoming Turns cost tweaks in Voodoo

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2015 3:31 pm
by Roberts
Captain Jack wrote:To be sincere, I was expecting to hear complaints for Call Leviathan. This card is always stirring up heat and a lot of different opinions.

Also, we intended to had Skirmish released before this release, so that's another reason. Uncertaincy surrounds skirmish so these are delayed.

Call Lev is debatable... Open up a forum if you should change it in my opinion...

Re: Forthcoming Turns cost tweaks in Voodoo

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2015 3:33 pm
by Warrior
I guess such a low turn is okay for the era of apocalypse where turns are so quickly spent :)

Re: Forthcoming Turns cost tweaks in Voodoo

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2015 3:39 pm
by Roberts
Warrior wrote:I guess such a low turn is okay for the era of apocalypse where turns are so quickly spent :)

Indeed.. That be true... It is better if you are a pure merchant... You always have 114 turns available... Nothing else to spend it on ya see...

For turns i recommend getting the double turns for two days... Cheaper in the long run and you get 288 turns in a day...

Now i am returning to my website. Where i am writing out some voodoo ~ Fun Times...

Re: Forthcoming Turns cost tweaks in Voodoo

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2015 4:08 pm
by Most Lee Harmless
I was thinking the lower levi/kracken turn costs could be enormous fun, and really open up the game for some knock-about scraps. It would spell the end of the 4-sotl 'power-fleet', or make it a high-risk high-purse strategy which might encourage plunder raids in itself, and folk would have to get a bit more creative in their war-fleet composition when a single low-value tail can be wiped much easier.

Of course, some may think I like the low turn cost levi/kracken because I may happen to have a few stashed away : but it's not beyond a team to assemble the required amount and sharing out the casting/turn cost makes capture raids on high-value fleets so much more achievable for all.

Go for it : I already got a little list of potential targets and I'm sure others have too :)