[Implemented] Skirmish

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[Implemented] Skirmish

Postby Captain Jack » Fri Feb 27, 2015 4:46 pm

Following the discussion here, I have compiled the final suggestion. Discussion will continue here on how to make Skirmish better. Evasion probability will come with Ship Specialization feature.

The values below are for version 1.0
We will finalize them within 1 week to 4 weeks after feature release

Skirmish Points
You get 1 per 24 hours, maximum stack of 3. (This will be surely increased later)
With every point, you can conduct a Skirmish.

Skirmish is a fleet attack against a fleet found in the Gossip Page.

The 3 conditions below must be met in order for the Skirmish to proceed:
1)The fleet must appear in the Gossip page (only through there attacks will be valid anyway).
2)The gossip entry must be 20 minutes old, maximum. (21 minutes fleets will not be valid for attack).
3)The fleet must be in the same port vicinity with the Gossip entry (This means that a fleet can only be Skirmished by one port at most cases - In some cases a fleet might finish a trip in less than 20 minutes. For example, by using Flying Dutchman or Instant travel.)

Skirmishes are different than Plunder attacks in the following points:

1)Escape Probability
-There is a 20% chance that defending fleet will escape the skirmish. Right now, the evasion probability is purely random. (Chance percentage will surely change later and it will be Based on Speed and ship attributes that will be introduced with Ship Specialization). In case of an evasion, no battle takes place, attacker receives the normal danger penalty (+6 Danger with no voodoo, +12 if Hostile Waters is active).
-A successful escape consumes your skirmish point but not your turns. (May change later to consume turns as well)

2)Targeting Restrictions
-A player may not receive more than 5 Skirmish attacks per day. (per game day)
-Target Fleet must have at least 1 point of danger (In this way fleets with Treasure Fleet enchantment will avoid skirmish attempts).
-Skirmishes will only be possible against players within your +-30% fame.
-Not available for players with less than 1000 turns

3)Post Battle Effects
-No change on Defender's fleet danger.
-The trade route will not pause when a fleet is attacked this way.
-Skirmish attacks do not count in missions unless stated specifically.

4)Different earnings
If the winner is the attacker, he loots all fleet cargo in the following way:
-Wood,Iron,Tools,Cotton,Rum,Tobacco and Food, are transformed in gold coins (base prices are assumed).
-Gold Bars are stored in attacker's port warehouse (if there is enough space. If there is not enough space or he has no warehouse, gold bars are lost).

-If the winner is the defender, normal plunder bonuses are applied.

-Gold Loot
If the defending loser has gold coins at hand, then he pays extra the gold equivelant generated above (these gold coins are removed from the gold at hand). It does not apply to gold bars.
(Maximum loss this way, for a fleet of 5 Trade Galleons carrying Tools, 30k)
If the player does not have enough gold, no extra penalties are issued (you cannot plunder a ship with Skirmish).

-Fame Loss
Equal to total Gold Loot loss - Max 1% of total fame
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Re: Skirmish

Postby Grogggy » Fri Feb 27, 2015 5:03 pm

Nice. Well done, Jack!
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Re: Skirmish

Postby Loki » Fri Feb 27, 2015 5:26 pm

Looks Good to me
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Re: Skirmish

Postby Most Lee Harmless » Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:00 pm

let her rip.. and let the games begin!
-1 : Move to archive.
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Re: Skirmish

Postby Stan Rogers » Fri Feb 27, 2015 7:33 pm

Is there someplace where skirmish points are recorded so a player knows how many is available or more importantly, they are available if unaware this feature now exists ?
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Re: Skirmish

Postby Captain Jack » Fri Feb 27, 2015 7:34 pm

We will put two indicators, one at Gossip Page and one at Plunder page.
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Re: Skirmish

Postby Barnabas Sackett » Fri Feb 27, 2015 7:35 pm

When is this going to happen?
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Re: Skirmish

Postby Captain meow » Fri Feb 27, 2015 11:34 pm

Loki wrote:Looks Good to me

i don't like it
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Re: Skirmish

Postby Francois le Clerc » Fri Feb 27, 2015 11:41 pm

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Re: Skirmish

Postby Captain Jack » Mon Mar 02, 2015 7:47 pm

I just wanted to add here that this feature will combo with Treasure fleets, aka fleets carrying gold bars. Finding the Treasure fleets of a player will help you earn fat profits.
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