Twas out in me Sloop yesterday enjoying a wee bit of a sail when I hears a noise to me stern. took a look back 'n a fleet of traders comes literally flying by me. Belching smoke 'n steam and making a noise like the hounds of hades been set loose.
I gets a glimpse of a spanish flag and and a ship name ...Los Polos... It be that crazy Torquemada trying some new fangled experiment with fire flying out of the hold of his ship and pieces of gold blowing off the deck as he passes me.
I gets back to port and look up the manifests and I spy this entry...
Most Profitable Fleet Yesterday: Los Pollos - DD-02 by Torquemada 740,520 total profit
Now I knows that man of the cloth is a crazy SOB but me thinks he has something here.
I may sneak into one of his ships to see what kind of contraption he has there.