Card Rarity: Legendary
Type: Enchantment, Port
Duration: 24H
Turns Cost: 20
Description: Sailing to the Pirate's Bay is a dangerous business. Every fleet arriving at this port gets +1 Danger (in addition to the "normal" +1 Danger for arriving at port). A player may only have one active "Pirate's Bay" at any time, although several players can cast "Pirate's Bay" on the same port.
Required Ingredients:
5 Hostile Natives
3 Fugitive from Justice
3 Spy Network
1 Pirate Tales
Crafting Duration base cost: 48 H
I have long thought about ways to make a specific port more dangerous, but it always seemed too powerful. I thought about other, more elaborate options to achieve this with reduced power, but when I noticed that "Legendary" cards will come, I thought this simple approach might fit. Note that since the curse is on a port, it will be more difficult to notice, you can't tell who cast it (although you can often guess it), and it's impossible to remove.