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Ravage Question

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2016 7:03 pm
by John jacob astor
When you use the card Ravage, the target ship is put into a fleet and gains 18 danger as we all know. Does the card still work if the target player doesn't have enough admirals to create a new fleet, or does it simply override that fact and put the ship in a new fleet anyway?

Re: Ravage Question

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2016 7:04 pm
by Admiral Nelson
John jacob astor wrote:When you use the card Ravage, the target ship is put into a fleet and gains 18 danger as we all know. Does the card still work if the target player doesn't have enough admirals to create a new fleet, or does it simply override that fact and put the ship in a new fleet anyway?

Puts it in a fleet anyway, I believe. I shall try.

Re: Ravage Question

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2016 7:46 pm
by Captain Jack
It overrides this. No admiral check.

Re: Ravage Question

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2016 7:58 pm
by John jacob astor
this brings up the question then: should it be changed to fail if the person has no available admirals?

my reasoning would be it could land someone in the same situation as the old captain issue. someone could begin just having a person cast ravage on them and then not have to pay for a new admiral.

Re: Ravage Question

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:09 pm
by Sebena
John jacob astor wrote:this brings up the question then: should it be changed to fail if the person has no available admirals?

my reasoning would be it could land someone in the same situation as the old captain issue. someone could begin just having a person cast ravage on them and then not have to pay for a new admiral.

It came across my mind aswell but then wouldn't that require a lot of hideout cards or taking the risk of getting attacked. It can be stopped with small barrier like you can't add ships there if you don't have enough admirals something like situation with captains

Re: Ravage Question

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:35 pm
by John jacob astor
well, you would only need to be attacked once on each fleet for the danger to go away, which would most likely cost much less than the cost of an admiral. so hideout cards really wouldn't be necessary. I can see this at some point turning into a "I'll pay anyone who casts a ravage on me 1m," just like the bribes. Once you get past 40 fleets or so, it is worth it to just do the ravages. Look at Kart: it costs something like 5m for each new admiral where he is. If he were to do the ravage thing, ravages only cost 1 credit which is worth like 200k.

Re: Ravage Question

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:45 pm
by Sebena
That is true but everyone is different some hate to lose battles while others doesn't really care. But this sure is great way of exploiting the game and reducing the cost. because like you said it takes 1 attack to get cleared and max ammount which one can losr is 250K so yea if I had to pay 5M for admiural I'd rather sacriface 250K because I earned 4.5M by it